@inproceedings{HeinzelmannBaltes2019, author = {Heinzelmann, Nicolai and Baltes, Guido H.}, title = {In search of synergies between corporate entrepreneurship activities}, booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC), 17-19 June 2019, Valbonne Sophia-Antipolis, France}, isbn = {978-1-7281-3401-7}, doi = {10.1109/ICE.2019.8792640}, institution = {Institut f{\"u}r Strategische Innovation und Technologiemanagement - IST}, pages = {9}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Corporate Entrepreneurship (CE) became the new paradigm for organizations to cope with the accelerated development of innovations. Therefore, especially established organizations increasingly implement CE activities, even in combination. Scholars point out that a coordinated portfolio of CE activities could yield synergies and thus higher value for the organization and further call for more scientific examinations. This literature review aims to better the understanding of the combined and coordinated use of CE activities as well as about resulting synergies. Results show that there are only very few studies that addressed a combination and/or coordination of CE activities with respect to the creation of additional value, however, without empirical analyses. Yet, five categories of direct and indirect synergies could be derived. Discussing the results as well as the heterogenous use of terminology and concepts, this paper concludes with a research agenda for future analyses.}, language = {en} }