@article{MerklingerChrist2019, author = {Merklinger, Verena and Christ, Martin}, title = {A new thermal shock application-oriented testing method for ceramic components and refractories}, journal = {Ceramic forum international (cfi)}, volume = {96}, number = {9-10}, organization = {Deutsche Keramische Gesellschaft}, issn = {0173-9913}, institution = {Fakult{\"a}t Maschinenbau}, pages = {E1 -- E3}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Ceramics and refractories are often used in high-temperature applications like industrial furnaces. Therefore, thermomechanical and heat resistance of ceramic and refractory materials are important. The material behaviour is described by thermal stress resistance. Established material tests to determine thermal shock behaviour are complex and do not yield key figures. The potential of application-related material testing in combination with simulations with transfer from ceramics to refractories is described below. The combination of model-based simulation with applied material testing offers numerous advantages. On the one hand, the design of the test setup is supported by the simulation, which results in a goal and application-oriented test setup. On the other hand, the iterative approach allows the model verification with the help of the applied material testing. The simulation shows that the transfer from ceramics to refractory material is possible and results according to literature. The design reliability of the components is thereby improved, since initially different loads can be simulated in the model in combination with a variety of materials and geometries, and thereby substitute complex and expensive preliminary tests. As a result, verified models offer a great savings potential in terms of time to market, development expenses and use of raw materials. Very important is, that the method is suitable for technical ceramics and refractory materials.}, language = {en} }