@inproceedings{MeierEleziAmirianetal.2018, author = {Meier, Benjamin Bruno and Elezi, Ismail and Amirian, Mohammadreza and D{\"u}rr, Oliver and Stadelmann, Thilo}, title = {Learning neural models for end-to-end clustering}, booktitle = {8th IAPR TC3 Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks in Pattern Recognition (ANNPR), 19-21 September 2018, Siena, Italy}, edition = {Akzeptierte Version}, isbn = {978-3-319-99977-7}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-99978-4_10}, institution = {Institut f{\"u}r Optische Systeme - IOS}, pages = {126 -- 138}, year = {2018}, abstract = {We propose a novel end-to-end neural network architecture that, once trained, directly outputs a probabilistic clustering of a batch of input examples in one pass. It estimates a distribution over the number of clusters k, and for each 1≤k≤kmax, a distribution over the individual cluster assignment for each data point. The network is trained in advance in a supervised fashion on separate data to learn grouping by any perceptual similarity criterion based on pairwise labels (same/different group). It can then be applied to different data containing different groups. We demonstrate promising performance on high-dimensional data like images (COIL-100) and speech (TIMIT). We call this "learning to cluster" and show its conceptual difference to deep metric learning, semi-supervise clustering and other related approaches while having the advantage of performing learnable clustering fully end-to-end.}, language = {en} }