@inproceedings{SchubertBeaucarneTousetal.2019, author = {Schubert, Gunnar and Beaucarne, Guy and Tous, Loic and Hoornstra, Jaap}, title = {Trends in metallization and interconnection - results of the survey conducted during the 8th Metallization and Interconnection Workshop}, booktitle = {8th Workshop on Metallization and Interconnection for Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells, May 13-14, 2019, Konstanz, Germany ; (AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 2156, Issue 1, 020002)}, isbn = {978-0-7354-1901-8}, doi = {10.1063/1.5125867}, institution = {Fakult{\"a}t Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik}, pages = {020002-1 -- 020002-11}, year = {2019}, abstract = {This paper summarizes the trends in metallization and interconnection technology in the eyes of the participants of the 8th Metallization and Interconnection Workshop. Participants were asked in a questionnaire to share their view on the future development of metallization technology, the kind of metal used for front side metallization and the future development of interconnection technology. The continuous improvement of the screen-printing technology is reflected in the high expected percentage share decreasing from 88\% in three years to still 70\% in ten years. The dominating front side metal in the view of the participants will be silver with an expected percentage share of nearly 70\% in 2029. Regarding interconnection technologies, the experts of the workshop expect new technologies to gain significant technology shares faster. Whereas in three years soldering on busbars is expected to dominate with a percentage share of 71\% it will drop in ten years to 35\% in the eyes of the participants. Multiwire and shingling technologies are seen to have the highest potential with expected percentage shares of 33\% (multiwire) and 16\% (shingling) in ten years.}, language = {en} }