TY - JOUR U1 - Zeitschriftenartikel, wissenschaftlich - begutachtet (reviewed) A1 - Velez, Daniel A1 - Martínez Madrid, Natividad A1 - Seepold, Ralf T1 - Software Scripts for Sensor Data Extraction in Rasberry Pi BT - user-space and kernel-space comparison JF - Models and Applications for Embedded Systems N2 - This paper compares two popular scripting implementations for hardware prototyping: Python scripts exe- cut from User-Space and C-based Linux-Driver processes executed from Kernel-Space, which can provide information to researchers when considering one or another in their implementations. Conclusions exhibit that deploying software scripts in the kernel space makes it possible to grant a certain quality of sensor information using a Raspberry Pi without the need for advanced real-time operational systems. KW - Sensor data KW - Hardware prototyping Y1 - 2023 UR - www.dii.univpm.it/MAES-2023 SN - 978-88-87548-00-6 SB - 978-88-87548-00-6 SP - 5 EP - 9 PB - Università Politecnica delle Marche, Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione CY - Ancona, Italy ER -