@article{MattioliBruschiGaiduketal.2023, author = {Mattioli, Sara and Bruschi, Sara and Gaiduk, Maksym and Seepold, Ralf and Mart{\´i}nez Madrid, Natividad and Orcioni, Simone and Conti, Massimo}, title = {Data analysis of non-invasive ballistocardiographic sensors}, journal = {Models and Applications for Embedded Systems}, isbn = {978-88-87548-00-6}, url = {www.dii.univpm.it/MAES-2023}, institution = {Institut f{\"u}r Angewandte Forschung - IAF}, pages = {31 -- 37}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Unintrusive health monitoring systems is important when continuous monitoring of the patient vital signals is required. In this paper, signals obtained from accelerometers placed under a bed are processed with ballistocardiography algorithms and compared with synchronized electrocardiographic signals.}, language = {en} }