TY - JOUR U1 - Zeitschriftenartikel, wissenschaftlich - nicht begutachtet (unreviewed) A1 - Sippel, Maike T1 - Local Storytelling for a Climate-Friendly Future: An Evidence-Based Approach and First Prototyping Results from the Region of Lake Constance, Germany N2 - For achieving climate targets, public engagement is key. Climate communication can play an important role here. Telling regional stories of successful climate action seems a promising form of climate communication: It may convey a feeling of ‘So this is what climate action looks like – and it is people like you and me who are starting to take action.’ This transformative research project (1) formulates hypotheses on what could make such local climate stories effective, (2) then identifies, produces and disseminates stories in the region of Konstanz, Germany, following a rapid prototyping approach, and (3) analyzes the effect of the stories by using focus groups. So far, two prototyping series of filmic story production have been completed in 2022/2023 and some initial insights were derived: Potential protagonists seem willing to tell their stories, and the stories have a potential to inspire people. Technical film quality is relevant. The stories must be selected and told carefully (who is portrayed, which actions are interpreted as success, through which channels are the stories shared), in order to create resonance with different target groups. Next steps are continuation of film production prototyping, a broader sharing of stories, and thorough impact research by focus groups. KW - Climate communication KW - Storytelling KW - Public engagement KW - Climate action KW - Sustainability Y1 - 2023 UN - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bsz:kon4-opus4-51705 U6 - https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints202309.2067.v1 DO - https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints202309.2067.v1 SP - 10 Seiten S1 - 10 Seiten PB - MDPI AG CY - Basel, CH ER -