@inproceedings{JelinekBhaveBuchoudetal.2023, author = {Thorsten Jelinek and Amit Bhave and Nicolas Buchoud and Michael Max B{\"u}hler and Patrick Glauner and Oliver Inderwildi and Markus Kraft and Charles Mok and Konrad N{\"u}bel and Minal Pathak and Shreya Some and Axel Voss}, title = {Advancing AI for Climate Action}, booktitle = {Think20 2023, India, TF-4: Refuelling Growth: Clean Energy and Green Transitions - T20 Policy Brief}, series = {Global Collaboration on Intelligent Decarbonisation}, url = {https://policycommons.net/artifacts/4315404/advancing-ai-for-climate-action/5125001/}, year = {2023}, }