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Reducing supervision in industrial computer vision tasks

  • Particularly for manufactured products subject to aesthetic evaluation, the industrial manufacturing process must be monitored, and visual defects detected. For this purpose, more and more computer vision-integrated inspection systems are being used. In optical inspection based on cameras or range scanners, only a few examples are typically known before novel examples are inspected. Consequently, no large data set of non-defective and defective examples could be used to train a classifier, and methods that work with limited or weak supervision must be applied. For such scenarios, I propose new data-efficient machine learning approaches based on one-class learning that reduce the need for supervision in industrial computer vision tasks. The developed novelty detection model automatically extracts features from the input images and is trained only on available non-defective reference data. On top of the feature extractor, a one-class classifier based on recent developments in deep learning is placed. I evaluate the novelty detector in an industrial inspection scenario and state-of-the-art benchmarks from the machine learning community. In the second part of this work, the model gets improved by using a small number of novel defective examples, and hence, another source of supervision gets incorporated. The targeted real-world inspection unit is based on a camera array and a flashing light illumination, allowing inline capturing of multichannel images at a high rate. Optionally, the integration of range data, such as laser or Lidar signals, is possible by using the developed targetless data fusion method.

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Author:Matthias Hermann
Publisher:Universität Konstanz
Place of publication:Konstanz
Advisor:Bastian Goldlücke, Matthias O. Franz
Document Type:Doctoral Thesis
Year of Publication:2024
Granting Institution:Universität Konstanz
Date of final exam:2024/03/01
Release Date:2025/01/15
Page Number:III, 121
DDC functional group:004 Informatik
Relevance:Abgeschlossene Dissertation
Licence (German):License LogoUrheberrechtlich geschützt