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Pixel-wise Hybrid Image Registration on Wood Decors

  • The detection of differences between images of a printed reference and a reprinted wood decor often requires an initial image registration step. Depending on the digitalization method, the reprint will be displaced and rotated with respect to the reference. The aim of registration is to match the images as precisely as possible. In our approach, images are first matched globally by extracting feature points from both images and finding corresponding point pairs using the RANSAC algorithm. From these correspondences, we compute a global projective transformation between both images. In order to get a pixel-wise registration, we train a learning machine on the point correspondences found by RANSAC. The learning algorithm (in our case Gaussian process regression) is used to nonlinearly interpolate between the feature points which results in a high precision image registration method on wood decors.

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Author:Michael Grunwald, Jens Müller, Martin Schall, Matthias O. FranzORCiDGND
Parent Title (English):BW-CAR Symposium on Information and Communication Systems, SInCom 2015, 13. November 2015, Konstanz
Document Type:Conference Proceeding
Year of Publication:2015
Release Date:2018/03/06
First Page:24
Last Page:29
Open Access?:Ja