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Using Design Research for a Better Understanding of Complex Problems : A study of two homes for the elderly

  • Although the Hospice Foundation in Constance knew they had a personnel problem, they were unsure how to begin to fix it. In addition to difficulties in finding and keeping employees, the Hospice Foundation’s employees were often on sick leave, adding pressure on remaining staff. Twelve communication design students in the masters program at the University of Applied Sciences in Constance (HTWG Konstanz) conducted a study aimed at identifying the causes for these problems and, more generally, understanding how the employees work and feel. Even though the methods in this study are well known, it presents an important prototype for designers and design researchers because of its success in finding useful insights. It also serves as a pre-design project briefing for both management and designers. It demonstrates the usefulness of qualitative methods in providing a deeper understanding of a complex situation and its usefulness as a strategic tool and for defining a project’s focus and scope. Ideally, it also provides insights into health care for the elderly.

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Author:Brian Switzer
Parent Title (English):Visible language : the journal for research on the visible media of language expression
Document Type:Article
Year of Publication:2018
Identifier:Im Katalog der Hochschule Konstanz ansehen
Release Date:2019/01/15
Tag:Design research; Complex problems; Healthcare
First Page:7
Last Page:30
Institutes:Fakultät Architektur und Gestaltung
Relevance:Peer reviewed nach anderen Listungen (mit Nachweis zum Peer Review Verfahren)
Open Access?:Nein