InBetween - a post digital turn
- This PhD investigation lies at the intersection of Architecture, Textile Design and Interaction Design and speculates about sustainable forms of future living, focussing on bionic principles to create alternative lightweight building structures with textiles and digital fabrication techniques. In an interdisciplinary, practice- based design approach, informed by radical case studies from the 1960s to 80s on soft architectures like Archigram, Buckminster Fuller, Cedric Price, or Yona Friedman and critical theory on new materialism, (D. Haraway 1997, K. Barad 1998, J. Bennett 2007) sociological, philosophical (B. Latour 2005, G.Deleuze F., Guattari F 1987) and phenomenological thinkers (L. Malafouris 2005, J.Rancière 2004, B. Massumi 2002, N. Bourriaud 2002 , M. Merleau-Ponty 1963) this research investigates the cultural and social rootedness (Verortung) of novel materials and technologies, exploring in between prosthetic relations between the body and the environment.
Author: | Verena Ziegler |
Parent Title (English): | Digital Practice. 5th ARENA Annual Conference, October 24th - 27th 2019, University of Technology, Graz, Austria |
Document Type: | Conference Proceeding |
Language: | English |
Year of Publication: | 2019 |
Release Date: | 2020/02/11 |
Open Access?: | Nein |