Document Type
- Article (4)
- Conference Proceeding (3)
- Patent (2)
- Part of a Book (1)
- Other Publications (1)
- 14C-Datierung (1)
- Deponierung (1)
- High strength (1)
- Mittelbronzezeit (Bz B/C1) (1)
- Predator net (1)
- Prospektion mit Metalldetektor (1)
- Redesign (1)
- Stachelscheiben (1)
- Stainless steel (1)
- Sustainability (1)
As fish farming is becoming more and more important worldwide, this ongoing project aims at the simulation and test-based analysis of highly stressed wire contacts, as they are found in off-shore fish farm cages in order to make them more reliable. The quasi-static tensile test of a wire mesh provides data for the construction of a finite element model to get a better understanding of the behavior of high-strength stainless steel from which the cages are made. Fatigue tests provide new insights that are used for an adjustment of the finite element model in order to predict the probability of possible damage caused by heavy mechanical loads (waves, storms, predators (sharks)).
Bei einer bewilligten Prospektion mit dem Metalldetektor kam in der Flur »Im Rain« in der Gemeinde Güttingen im schweizerischen Kanton Thurgau eine mittelbronzezeitliche Deponierung zum Vorschein. Diese konnte en bloc geborgen und unter Laborbedingungen im Amt für Archäologie des Kantons Thurgau freigelegt werden. Es fanden sich über 158 Objekte. Diese umfassen 14 Stachelscheiben, elf Spiralen, etwa 90 Bernsteinperlen, ein Fragment aus bearbeitetem Gagat, zwei Spiralfingerringe, acht Goldspiralen, ein Ringchen, ein Fingerringfragment (?), zwei Spiralröllchen, eine Pfeilspitze, eine Ahlenspitze, eine Pflockniete, einen durchlochten Bäreneckzahn, einen Biberzahn, einen pyritisierten Ammoniten, einen fossilen Haifischzahn, ein Bergkristallfragment und 21 Eisenoxid-Konkretionen. Zwei 14C-Datierungen sowie die typologische Einordnung weisen den Hortfund in die frühe Mittelbronzezeit (Bz B/C1, um 1500 v. Chr.). Die Kombination von Frauenschmuck, Waffenbestandteilen und Naturspielen deutet auf einen rituellen Kontext hin.
This paper presents the current state of development and selected technological challenges in the application of ecologically and economically sustainable nets for aquaculture based on ongoing development projects. These aim at the development of a new material system of high-strength stainless steel wires as net material with environmentally compatible antifouling properties for nearshore and offshore aquacultures. Current plastic netting materials will be replaced with high-strength stainless steel to provide a more environmentally friendly system that can withstand more severe mechanical stresses (waves, storms, tides and predators). A new antifouling strategy is expected to solve current challenges, such as ecological damage (e.g., due to pollution from copper-containing antifouling substances or microplastics), high maintenance costs (e.g., cleaning and repairs), and shorter service life. Approaches for the next development steps are presented based on previous experience as well as calculation models based on this experience.
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