Fakultät Wirtschafts-, Kultur- und Rechtswissenschaften
Year of publication
Document Type
- Article (44)
- Part of a Book (15)
- Report (14)
- Conference Proceeding (9)
- Working Paper (9)
- Other Publications (6)
- Book (4)
- Doctoral Thesis (3)
- Bachelor Thesis (2)
- Master's Thesis (1)
- .NET-Plattform (1)
- ASEAN (1)
- Aboriginal people (1)
- Accessible Tourism (1)
- Adapted business models design for sustainability (aDBMfS) (1)
- Adaption (1)
- Adivasi (1)
- Alpine area (1)
- Antidumping (1)
- Arrival and departure (1)
Die Relevanz des technischen Service für den langfristigen Unternehmenserfolg ist mittlerweile unbestritten. In vielen Unternehmen leidet das personalintensive Servicegeschäft jedoch zunehmend unter dem schnell voranschreitenden Fachkräftemangel. Zur Aufrechterhaltung und Weiterentwicklung einer professionellen Kundenbindung im Service sind daher die Konzeption und Umsetzung effektiver, dienstleistungsbasierter Geschäftsmodelle und damit verbundene effizientere Formen der Arbeitsgestaltung für die meist mittelständischen
Unternehmen zentrale Aufgaben. Ebenso trägt der Trend in Richtung Self-Service-Angebote und die Einbeziehung der Kunden in Wertschöpfungs- oder Serviceprozesse zu einem Umdenken bei, um auch im B2B-Kontext in Zukunft enger mit dem Kunden zusammenzuarbeiten und diesen aktiv in die Wertschöpfung einzubeziehen. Ein wesentlicher Erfolgsfaktor liegt dabei in der strukturierten Digitalisierung von Service-relevantem Wissen, wodurch eine räumliche und teilweise auch zeitliche Entkoppelung von Leistungsnachfrage und -erbringung möglich wird.
Digital transformation is changing the service landscape and confronting companies with challenges such as staff shortages and changing customer behavior. This paper examines the impact of self-service options on customer perceptions and their potential to improve a company’s resilience. The empirical study conducted for this purpose with 400 participants from different age groups, but with a focus on Generation Z, shows that almost all respondents have encountered self-service at some point, with the retail, tourism and financial sectors leading in usage. About 90% of respondents use self-service several times a month. While all generations value time savings and convenience, older participants express more concerns about errors, lack of support and privacy. The study highlights the increasing prevalence of self-service, particularly among young people, and their positive perceptions. Self-service solutions offer businesses the ability to address challenges, engage with customers and streamline processes. The positive impact extends not only to B2C processes, but also allows conclusions to be drawn about the positive influence of self-service options in internal and external B2B activities such as order management and customer support.
Research Report
Der Bericht dokumentiert die Aktivitäten, die ich während des Wintersemesters 2023/24 im Rahmen meines Fortbildungssemesters durchgeführt habe. Der Forschungsschwerpunkt lag dabei auf der Umsetzung eines gemeinschaftlichen Projekts zur Bewertung mündlicher Prüfungen. Zusätzlich erfolgten Aufenthalte zur Förderung der internationalen Kooperationen an Partnerhochschulen.
Infrastructure-making in interwar India was a dynamic, multilayered process involving roads and vehicles in urban and rural sites. One of their strongest playgrounds was Bombay Presidency and the Central Provinces in central and western India. Focusing on this region in the interwar period, this paper analyzes the varied relationship between peasant households and town-centred modernizing agents in the making of road transport infrastructures. The central argument of this paper is about the persistence of bullock carts over motor cars in the region. This persistence was grounded in the specific regional environment, the effects of the 1930s economic depression, and the priorities of social classes. Pinpointing these connections, the paper highlights that “modernization” of infrastructure was not a simple, linear process of progressivist change, nor did it mean the survival of apparently “old” technologies in the modern era. Instead, the paper pays attention to conflicting social complexities, implications, and meanings of the connection between infrastructure and modernity that modernization assumptions often overlook. Here, the paper shows how technological change occurred as a result of real, material class interests pulling infrastructural technology in different directions. This was where and why arguments of road-motor lobbyists and cart advocates eventually clashed, and Gandhian social workers resisted motor transport in defense of peasant interests.
This study aims to adapt CEFR in developing an integrative approach-based teaching material model for a pre-basic BISOL class. The method used in this research is the development research design by Borg and Gall. This study was development research. The stages are identification of the problem, formulation of a hypothetical draft model; feasibility testing by experts; product revision; and test product effectiveness. The data were collected through survey techniques, interviews, and documentation. The needs identification results revealed data encompassing 10 themes, 5 tasks per theme, and diverse evaluations comprising theory, in-class practice, and real-world field assignments, both on an individual and group basis. These identified needs require alignment with CEFR A1 for the development of BISOL learning. These findings were subsequently incorporated into the design of the teaching material model, and the results indicated that tailoring CEFR to BISOL as an integrative language teaching material model was feasible for application in the classroom, as assessed by experts. The implications suggest that integrating CEFR into BISOL is highly feasible for the development of teaching materials, and teachers can leverage this instructional model to enhance students' proficiency in the Indonesian language.
Southeast Asia
Southeast Asia continues to inspire and intrigue observers from all walks
of life due to its diverse cultural traditions and its interwoven threads of
geographical, historical, and social transformation. This essay will explore some of these threads by highlighting Southeast Asia’s (1) deep-rooted diversity, (2) decolonial nation-building, (3) digital leapfrogging, and (4) under-rated prospects
The aim of this paper is to find out in how accommodation providers in the Seychelles perceive climate change and what mitigation and adaptation measures they can provide. In order to answer these questions, a qualitative mixed-method-approach, comprised of twenty semi-structured interviews, an online-survey and participant observation was used. Results show that accommodation providers especially perceive the effects of climate change that directly affect their business and that they have already partly implemented some mitigation and adaptation measures. However, strategies and regulations are needed at the Seychelles’ government level and on a global level to actually achieve CO2 neutral travel.
This chapter takes a detailed look at the developmental state model and its manifestations in regional development policies. Developmentalist ideas have been waxing and waning across periods of economic boom and bust. Recent years, however, have seen a renaissance of East Asian developmentalism – reminiscent of its heyday in the 1980s and 1990s and most notably driven by the region’s continued economic strength.
The endorsement of state-led modernization, preferential policies, and close state-business relations – which underpinned Japan/Korea/China’s transformations – has also left its mark on current ODA practices in the region and beyond. East Asia’s state agencies are pushing ahead with colossal infrastructure programs – in close cooperation with commercial actors – that advance broad development goals and, at the same time, promotes national interests. Compared to Western OECD peers, Asian development cooperation tends to focus less on neoliberal and democratic principles and, instead, places greater emphasis on state-corporatist and meritocratic ideas.
To what extent East Asia’s infrastructural megaprojects and connectivity corridors across Eurasia and Africa (BRI, EAI, and Partnership for Quality Infrastructure) will generate political momentum for an emergent developmental consensus remains uncertain. The jury is still out when it comes to whether and how Asian developmentalism will take center stage in global development debates. What is clear, however, is that the changing zeitgeist of a less Anglo/Euro-centric world bodes well for more heterodox and diverse ideas on development cooperation.
Der Wandel des Einzelhandels
Die Ursachen der existentiellen Bedrohung vieler Einzelhandelsunternehmen sind nicht nur auf die Nachwirkungen der Coronapandemie und den Ukraine-Krieg mit der daraus resultierenden Inflation und Kaufzurückhaltung zurückzuführen. Auch die Digitalisierung und die wachsende Onlinekonkurrenz sowie ein verändertes Einkaufs- und Konsumverhalten der Kund:innen setzt den Einzelhandel unter Druck. Dabei scheint besonders die junge Generation Z, die mit dem Internet, sozialen Medien und digitalen Anwendungen aufgewachsen ist, nicht mehr den traditionellen Konsummustern zu entsprechen, und erwartet eine Ausrichtung des Einzelhandels an ihre Bedürfnisse. Doch wie ticken junge Konsument:innen und wie unterscheiden sich ihre Erwartungen an den Handel von älteren Generationen? Im Beitrag werden Antworten auf diese Fragen gegeben.