Year of publication
- 2022 (1)
Document Type
- Study Thesis (1)
- English (1)
Has Fulltext
- yes (1)
- Maun Science Park (1)
- Vertical Farming (1)
Global agriculture will face major challenges in the future. In addition to the increasing demand for food due to constant population growth, the consequences of climate change will make it even more difficult to operate agriculture and supply people with food. In addition to further productivity increases in traditional agriculture, new concepts for sustainable and scalable food production are needed. Vertical farming offers a promising approach.
The aim of this project is to demonstrate how vertical farming can be used to ensure sustainable food production and how this concept can be applied in the pioneering Maun Science Park project in Botswana. In doing so, the Maun Science Park will address future challenges such as demographics, governance and climate change and become a best practice model for Botswana, the whole of Africa and the world. The country of Botswana grew to become one of the most prosperous countries in Africa in recent decades due to strong economic growth from mining. However, the population faces great challenges in the future; in addition to great social inequality, climate change threatens the country's overall supply.
With the help of a literature review and qualitative and quantitative interviews with stakeholders from Maun (Botswana), the potentials and challenges for vertical farming in Botswana could be identified and future measures for a possible realization could be derived. Basically, some challenges in Botswana are addressed by the technology, for example, Vertical Farming offers high food security through year-round production of food through the closed ecosystem and creates independence from current and future climatic conditions, poor conditions for traditional agriculture (e.g. infertile soils) and foreign imports. However, the main structural problems of agriculture in Botswana, such as the lack of infrastructure, know-how and policy support, are not addressed.