The first part of this work shows the development and application of a new material system using high strength duplex stainless steel wires as net material with environmentally compatible antifouling properties for off-shore fish farm cages. Current net materials from textiles (polyamide) shall be partially replaced by high strength duplex stainless steel in order to have a more environmentally compatible system which meets the more severe mechanical loads (waves, storms, predatores (sharks, seals)). With a new antifouling strategy current issues like reduced ecological damage (e.g. due to copper disposal), lower maintenance costs (e.g. cleaning) and reduced durability shall be resolved.
High strength steel wires are also widely used in geological protection systems, for example rockfall protection or slope stabilisation. Normally hot-dip galvanised carbon steel is used in this case. But in highly corrosive environments like coastal areas, volcanic areas or mines for example, other solutions with a high corrosion resistance and sufficient mechanical properties are necessary. Protection systems made of high strength duplex stainless steel wires enable a significantly longer service life of the portection systems and therefore a higher level of security.
Pitting susceptibility of metastable austenitic stainless steels as a function of surface conditions
The influence of surface roughness and local defects on pitting susceptibility of type 304 (UNS S30400) and type 301 (UNS S30100) in chloride solution were investigated. Because the mechanical properties can be regarded as decisive for the achieved surface quality, different properties of the base material were obtained by cold rolling the metastable austenites. This was done before the surfaces were finished. Therefor the surfaces were treated by different grinding parameters to generate different surface conditions and different defects. As a reference, different standardised surface finishes were used.
By using and comparing different methods for the characterization of surface roughness and surface texture, it is possible to find a relationship between the quantity and characteristics of local defects on the one hand and pitting susceptibility on the other hand. For the machining parameters used, a ranking of the influencing factors on the corrosion resistance achieved could be determined.
The automated application of software-based solutions for estimating the pitting susceptibility of machined surfaces and components will be discussed using concrete examples.
In beispielhafter Zusammenarbeit zwischen Industrie (Geobrugg AG, Romanshorn/Schweiz) und Wissenschaft (WITg Institut für Werkstoffsystemtechnik Thurgau an der Hochschule Konstanz, Tägerwilen/Schweiz) wurde mit Unterstützung der Schweizer staatlichen Innovationsförderung (KTI, hee Innosuisse) ein neues Werkstoff- und Fertigungskonzept für den Bau von Fischzuchtnetzen aus hochfesten nichtrostenden Stahldrähten entwickelt.
Diese Entwicklung wurde 2019 von Swiss Inox, der Schweizer Innovationspreis Prix Inox ausgezeichnet.
Hot isostatic pressing (HIP) allows the production of complex components geometry. Generally, a high quality of the components is achieved due to the well managed composition of the metal powder and the non-isotropic properties. If a duplex stainless steel is produced, a heat treatment after the HIP-process is necessary to remove precipitations like carbides, nitrides and intermetallic phases. In a new process, the sintering step should be combined with the heat treatment. In this case a high cooling rate is necessary to avoid precipitations in duplex stainless steels. In this work, the influence of the HIP-temperature and the wall thickness on corrosion resistance, microstructure and impact strength were investigated. The results should help to optimize the process parameters like temperature and cooling rate. For the investigation, two HIP-temperatures were tested in a classical HIP-process step with a defined cooling rate. An additional heat treatment was not conducted. The specimens were cut from different sectors of the HIP-block. For investigation of the corrosion resistance, the critical pitting temperature was determined with electrochemical method according to EN ISO 17864. An impact test was used to determine the impact transition temperature. Metallographic investigations show the microstructure in the different sectors of the HIP-block.