Keine peer reviewed Publikation (Wissenschaftlicher Artikel und Aufsatz, Proceeding, Artikel in Tagungsband)
Year of publication
Document Type
- Conference Proceeding (289)
- Article (140)
- Part of a Book (102)
- Working Paper (31)
- Report (4)
- Other Publications (3)
- English (328)
- German (239)
- Multiple languages (1)
- Russian (1)
- 360-degree coverage (1)
- 3D Extended Object Tracking (1)
- 3D Extended Object Tracking (EOT) (2)
- 3D Skelett Wickeltechnik (1)
- 3D ship detection (1)
- AAL (3)
- ASEAN (1)
- Abrasive grain material (1)
- Abtragsprinzip (1)
- Academic german (1)
- Fakultät Architektur und Gestaltung (5)
- Fakultät Bauingenieurwesen (20)
- Fakultät Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (7)
- Fakultät Informatik (27)
- Fakultät Maschinenbau (11)
- Fakultät Wirtschafts-, Kultur- und Rechtswissenschaften (31)
- Institut für Angewandte Forschung - IAF (33)
- Institut für Optische Systeme - IOS (13)
- Institut für Strategische Innovation und Technologiemanagement - IST (28)
- Institut für Systemdynamik - ISD (55)
Given the increasing demand for application development and process automation, Low-Code Development Platforms (LCDPs) have become highly relevant in recent years. However, the lack of familiarity with the implementation and application of LCDP in organizations poses a challenge. This publication therefore aims to shed light on the essential organizational capabilities that companies must master to overcome this obstacle. Using action design research, this study develops a model-based framework of 21 organizational capabilities for successful LCDP adoption. It underscores the importance of conceptual development as a prerequisite for effective management and long-term application of the technology. Furthermore, it emphasizes the importance of considering both technical and social aspects of the LCDP information system. The findings contribute to academia by providing a model-based capability framework, which serves as a structure for driving future research. Moreover, practitioners benefit from a practice-oriented and evaluated summary of initialization tasks and capabilities required for successful adoption.
Digital transformation urges organizations to strategically invest in information technology (IT) to keep up with the competition. The responsible strive to choose the right digital initiatives that can maximize the benefit. Thereby, they still struggle to communicate IT costs and demonstrate the business value of IT. The goal of this paper is to get a deeper understanding of the perception of IT costs and business value and support their effective communication. Applying the focus group method, we analyzed in four interview sessions that stakeholders perceive IT costs and business value differently and that a common perception serves as the basis of communication. We then identified and evaluated 20 success factors to establish effective communication of IT costs and IT business value. Hence, this paper enables a better understanding of the perception and the operationalization of effective communication mainly between business and IT executives regarding IT costs and IT business value.
Die Relevanz des technischen Service für den langfristigen Unternehmenserfolg ist mittlerweile unbestritten. In vielen Unternehmen leidet das personalintensive Servicegeschäft jedoch zunehmend unter dem schnell voranschreitenden Fachkräftemangel. Zur Aufrechterhaltung und Weiterentwicklung einer professionellen Kundenbindung im Service sind daher die Konzeption und Umsetzung effektiver, dienstleistungsbasierter Geschäftsmodelle und damit verbundene effizientere Formen der Arbeitsgestaltung für die meist mittelständischen
Unternehmen zentrale Aufgaben. Ebenso trägt der Trend in Richtung Self-Service-Angebote und die Einbeziehung der Kunden in Wertschöpfungs- oder Serviceprozesse zu einem Umdenken bei, um auch im B2B-Kontext in Zukunft enger mit dem Kunden zusammenzuarbeiten und diesen aktiv in die Wertschöpfung einzubeziehen. Ein wesentlicher Erfolgsfaktor liegt dabei in der strukturierten Digitalisierung von Service-relevantem Wissen, wodurch eine räumliche und teilweise auch zeitliche Entkoppelung von Leistungsnachfrage und -erbringung möglich wird.
Urban areas cause over 70% of direct and indirect CO2-emissions worldwide. To achieve the internationally agreed goal of limiting the global temperature increase to 1.5 to 2 ° C, considerable efforts to reduce emissions in cities are required. Mobilizing significant greenhouse gas reductions in cities is, however, a major challenge due to their very heterogeneous structures and a large number of small and varied emission sources (e.g. traffic, buildings). In addition, the organisational structures of urban emission sources are much more diverse than those of e.g. major industrial point sources. A general challenge for responsible decision-makers and institutions is that they have limited access to investment capital to implement large-scale measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Carbon market mechanisms under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement can offer new opportunities for the mobilisation of large-scale emission reduction measures and policies. This research project first examined the prevalence and experience of urban reduction projects within the framework of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) and Transformative Actions Programs (TAP). Building on this, various conceptual approaches to the implementation of Art. 6 in cities were developed. In order to take appropriate account of the different national structures and framework conditions, a “menu approach” with uniform principles and standards is proposed.
In addition, the study examines approaches to determine the additionality of urban mitigation activities and discusses various financing options.
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