Year of publication
Document Type
- Conference Proceeding (481)
- Article (230)
- Part of a Book (128)
- Other Publications (121)
- Book (84)
- Report (74)
- Doctoral Thesis (31)
- Master's Thesis (7)
- Patent (3)
- Bachelor Thesis (2)
- German (604)
- English (556)
- Multiple languages (5)
- Russian (1)
- (Strict) sign-regularity (1)
- 360-degree coverage (1)
- 3D Extended Object Tracking (EOT) (1)
- 3D Skelett Wickeltechnik (1)
- 3D shape tracking (1)
- 3D ship detection (1)
- AAL (3)
- ADAM (1)
- Aboriginal people (1)
- Abrasive grain material (1)
- Fakultät Architektur und Gestaltung (34)
- Fakultät Bauingenieurwesen (40)
- Fakultät Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (17)
- Fakultät Informatik (59)
- Fakultät Maschinenbau (37)
- Fakultät Wirtschafts-, Kultur- und Rechtswissenschaften (56)
- Institut für Angewandte Forschung - IAF (45)
- Institut für Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik - INM (3)
- Institut für Optische Systeme - IOS (22)
- Institut für Strategische Innovation und Technologiemanagement - IST (47)
Autonomous navigation on inland waters requires an accurate understanding of the environment in order to react to possible obstacles. Deep learning is a promising technique to detect obstacles robustly. However, supervised deep learning models require large data-sets to adjust their weights and to generalize to unseen data. Therefore, we equipped our research vessel with a laser scanner and a stereo camera to record a novel obstacle detection data-set for inland waters. We annotated 1974 stereo images and lidar point clouds with 3d bounding boxes. Furthermore, we provide an initial approach and a suitable metric to compare the results on the test data-set. The data-set is publicly available and seeks to make a contribution towards increasing the safety on inland waters.
Digital transformation urges organizations to strategically invest in information technology (IT) to keep up with the competition. The responsible strive to choose the right digital initiatives that can maximize the benefit. Thereby, they still struggle to communicate IT costs and demonstrate the business value of IT. The goal of this paper is to get a deeper understanding of the perception of IT costs and business value and support their effective communication. Applying the focus group method, we analyzed in four interview sessions that stakeholders perceive IT costs and business value differently and that a common perception serves as the basis of communication. We then identified and evaluated 20 success factors to establish effective communication of IT costs and IT business value. Hence, this paper enables a better understanding of the perception and the operationalization of effective communication mainly between business and IT executives regarding IT costs and IT business value.
Digitalization requires organizations to strategically invest in information technology (IT). As a result, the costs associated with IT in companies are rising and technological progress changes the setting for IT management. This poses challenges for IT managers to ensure spend-efficiency and manage IT costs transparently. However, no current literature review gives an overview of how IT cost management (ITCM) research dealt with past transformations. This paper aims to investigate ITCM concepts considering their historical context. It then derives implications for the digital age and identifies future research fields. The historical literature review reveals that ITCM research evolved with technological advances and the target to manage all IT-related costs and evaluate the impact of IT spend. However, the presented concepts lack consideration of current changes that hamper spend-efficiency and strategic decisions. Hence, this paper enables future research to address the identified research gaps. Additionally, practitioners gain awareness of how they can benefit from developed ITCM concepts.
Complex Event Processing
Eine wichtige Aufgabe für die IT der vernetzten Welt ist die maschinelle Auswertung und Verarbeitung von Informationen, die für eine Anwendung relevant sind und übers Netz verschickt werden. Mit Complex Event Processing (CEP) können große Mengen von zeitbehafteten Daten unterschiedlichster Art in nahezu Echtzeit analysiert und weiterverarbeitet werden. Die grundlegende Vorgehensweise beim CEP entspricht der menschlichen Entscheidungsfindung in Prozessabläufen des täglichen Lebens und stellt eine Erweiterung bekannter Methoden des Data Analytics wie Data Mining, statistische Analyse oder regelbasierte Wissensverarbeitung dar. Typische Anwendungsgebiete sind Big-Data-Systeme, Internet of Things, Industrie 4.0.
Dieses Lehrbuch zeigt, wie die in einem Bauteil auftretenden Spannungen mit Hilfe der FEM-Methode bestimmt werden können. Dazu wird zunächst auf mechanische Grundlagen und das Materialverhalten eingegangen, bevor die Spannungen in einer überschaubaren Fachwerksgeometrie und in Volumenelementen berechnet werden. Anschließend wird dargestellt, wie aus den Spannungen die Betriebsfestigkeit der Bauteile unter determinierten und stochastischen Lasten abgeleitet werden kann. Dabei wird auch die FKM-Richtlinie berücksichtigt. Für den fortgeschrittenen Leser werden die Grundlagen durch Berechnungsverfahren ergänzt, die bei anspruchsvolleren Berechnungsmodellen angewandt werden müssen.
The book introduces the basic concepts of the finite element method in the static and dynamic analysis of beam, plate, shell and solid structures, discussing how the method works, the characteristics of a finite element approximation and how to avoid the pitfalls of finite element modeling. Presenting the finite element theory as simply as possible, the book allows readers to gain the knowledge required when applying powerful FEA software tools. Further, it describes modeling procedures, especially for reinforced concrete structures, as well as structural dynamics methods, with a particular focus on the seismic analysis of buildings, and explores the modeling of dynamic systems. Featuring numerous illustrative examples, the book allows readers to easily grasp the fundamentals of the finite element theory and to apply the finite element method proficiently.
Die Relevanz des technischen Service für den langfristigen Unternehmenserfolg ist mittlerweile unbestritten. In vielen Unternehmen leidet das personalintensive Servicegeschäft jedoch zunehmend unter dem schnell voranschreitenden Fachkräftemangel. Zur Aufrechterhaltung und Weiterentwicklung einer professionellen Kundenbindung im Service sind daher die Konzeption und Umsetzung effektiver, dienstleistungsbasierter Geschäftsmodelle und damit verbundene effizientere Formen der Arbeitsgestaltung für die meist mittelständischen
Unternehmen zentrale Aufgaben. Ebenso trägt der Trend in Richtung Self-Service-Angebote und die Einbeziehung der Kunden in Wertschöpfungs- oder Serviceprozesse zu einem Umdenken bei, um auch im B2B-Kontext in Zukunft enger mit dem Kunden zusammenzuarbeiten und diesen aktiv in die Wertschöpfung einzubeziehen. Ein wesentlicher Erfolgsfaktor liegt dabei in der strukturierten Digitalisierung von Service-relevantem Wissen, wodurch eine räumliche und teilweise auch zeitliche Entkoppelung von Leistungsnachfrage und -erbringung möglich wird.
Digital transformation is changing the service landscape and confronting companies with challenges such as staff shortages and changing customer behavior. This paper examines the impact of self-service options on customer perceptions and their potential to improve a company’s resilience. The empirical study conducted for this purpose with 400 participants from different age groups, but with a focus on Generation Z, shows that almost all respondents have encountered self-service at some point, with the retail, tourism and financial sectors leading in usage. About 90% of respondents use self-service several times a month. While all generations value time savings and convenience, older participants express more concerns about errors, lack of support and privacy. The study highlights the increasing prevalence of self-service, particularly among young people, and their positive perceptions. Self-service solutions offer businesses the ability to address challenges, engage with customers and streamline processes. The positive impact extends not only to B2C processes, but also allows conclusions to be drawn about the positive influence of self-service options in internal and external B2B activities such as order management and customer support.
The problem of controlling autonomous surface vessels in an energy-optimal way is important for the electrification of maritime systems and is currently being investigated by many researchers. In this paper, we use numerical optimal control to plan an energy-optimal docking trajectory in river currents and show that it can save energy compared to other widespread planning approaches. An optimal control problem including a detailed vessel model is defined, transcribed into a nonlinear optimization problem via direct multiple shooting, and solved using a homotopy procedure. The optimal solution is compared to a geometrical path planning approach with path-velocity decomposition. The results of this comparison show that prescribing a path with fixed vessel orientation leads to very suboptimal results. Further, we demonstrate how shrinking horizon MPC can control the vessel in an energy-optimal way even under severe disturbances, by replanning the energy-optimal trajectories in real-time. We believe that energy-optimal MPC could become a key technology for the electrification of maritime systems.